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The dictionary defines resilience as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. From a psychological perspective this definition expands to include the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status...
Read: Balancing the Doshas: KAPHA
If you are struggling to lose weight, maybe your kapha is out of balance. Find out how to get back to balance with these lifestyle choices.
Read: SHIRODHARA – improving mental clarity and nervous tension
Suffering from insomnia, chronic headaches or anxiety? Shirodhara, the traditional ayurvedic system helps to cleanse the mind and the senses.
Read: Sanskrit Glossary
To help you understand some of the more common Sanskit words used in both Yoga and Ayurverda, we have pulled together a short glossary.
Read: 7 Things You Can Do To Boost your Immunity Using Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an incredible system of healing handed down to us over the past 5,000 years. It offers a unique blend of both profound and practical tools that allows individuals to easily maintain or regain balance in their health and lives. It is based on an...
Read: Ayurvedic Self Massage
Discover how to incorporate an ayurvedic self massage into your daily routine to help you protect and nourish your skin and hold back time.
Watch: Why a Personalised Lifestyle Makes Sense with Benjamin Haynes
Listen to Benjamin Haynes describe the practical things you can do to find more balance every day.
Read: Balancing the Doshas: PITTA
Stressed, overworked, feeling out of balance? Maybe you’re pitta is out of balance. Discover what to do to find your balance.