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Read: Balancing the Doshas: VATA
If you suffer with a mind restless with anxiety, worry and lack of focus, here are some tips to help you find balance.
Read: Ayurveda, the five Elements and three Doshas
Ayurveda, the Science of Life, has its roots in India and is believed by many to be the oldest healing science known to man. Find out what makes Ayurveda so special and how you can apply the wisdom to your own life.
Read: Know Thyself- Constitution and the three Doshas
Find out your personal constitution and what you can do to help you find balance in your lifestyle using the Ayurvedic Constitution and three Doshas system.
Read: Connecting Through Astrology
When most people think of Astrology, they think of star sign columns in newspapers and magazines When most people think of Astrology, they think of star sign columns in newspapers and magazines. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. An accurate birth chart contains...
Read: The Power of Hair
The hair on your head is there to do more than just look good. The Native Americans for example, believe that through their hair they can connect to nature and the life force around them. It was proven during the Vietnam war that Native Americans with longer hair were...
Read: Connecting to the Spirit of Trees
Have you ever put your arms around a tree hoping to feel some energetic connection, only to be disappointed by the lack of tangible energy exchange?
If so, you’re likely missing the most important ingredient in this ritual. Trees respond not so much to our physical touch but to our emotional energy.
Read: Bay Leaf Magic: How to Manifest your Wishes
Bay leaf is a powerful herb useful for manifestation, prosperity, protection, cleansing, and even psychic development. The ancient priestesses of Apollo chewed bay leaves to induce a prophetic state and inhaled the burning fumes of Bay for this purpose also.
Read: 4 ways to manage inflammation
When the liver is overwhelmed with acid toxins, it will eventually overheat. This overheating becomes a major source of inflammation, and because the liver makes blood from the food we eat, our blood starts to overheat as well.