Bhumiamalaki Powder: Organic


Bhumiamalaki has been used by traditional Ayurvedic practitioners to address gall and kidney stones, improve liver function and alleviate symptoms of viral hepatitis.


Also, known as ‘stone breaker’ this herb has been used by traditional Ayurvedic practitioners to address gall and kidney stones, improve liver function and alleviate symptoms of viral hepatitis. It is indicated where instances of impaired immune disorders, and helpful in digestive issues involving hyperacidity. Modern trials have indicated that Bhumiamalaki may reduce levels of urinary calcium and kidney stone formation and may help in stabilising blood sugar levels.

Contraindications: Do not take if pregnant

Safety: No drug-herb interactions are known

The Medicine Man provides referenced information for educational purposes only, and does not make any therapeutic claims for any of their products.

Please seek advice from a healthcare provider if you wish to use herbs for therapeutic purposes.

Size: 60g


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